Bostonin 2013 kevään pommi-iskuista lavastettu Tamerlan Tsarnaev uskoo olevansa mind control uhri, eli mielenhallinnan uhri. Tähän myös viittaa vahvasti Boston Globessa julkaistu juttu Tsarnaevien perheestä.
Tamerlan Tsarnaevin tapaus on kuitenkin hankala selvittää enää, sillä poliisi murhasi hänet kiinniottotilantessa. Joten häntä on enää hankala kuulustella tästä aiheesta ja toisaalta FBI sekä CIA pyrkivätkin olemaan jatkuvasti vaiti näistä mielenhallinta-aiheista.

Ibragim Todashev oli 27-vuotias mies, jota poliisit kävivät kuulustelemassa Bostonin pommi-iskuihin liittyen. Mutta hänet surmattiin siihen paikkaan ja poliisin mukaan tilanne johti ammuskeluun.
Tähän tapaukseen liittyen Todashevin isä lähetti USA:n presidentti Obamalle avoimen kirjeen 31. joulukuuta 2013, joka kuului suurin piirtein näin:
"Poikani Ibragim Todashev tunsi Bostonin maratonin pommi-iskuista epäillyn Tamerlan Tsarnaevin harrastenyrkkeily ympyröistä. Mutta hänellä ei ollut mitään tekemistä Bostonin pommi-iskujen kanssa. Poikani meni ennen kuolemaansa peräti neljä kertaa omatoimisesti käymään Orlandon FBI:n toimistossa puhumassa asiasta, ennen kuin FBI:n agentit saapuivat hänen asunnolleen ja surmasivat hänet.
Poikani oli normaali kansalainen joka tuli yhdysvaltoihin vuonna 2008 opiskelemaan kieltä ja tapasi samalla Tamerlan sekä Dzhokhar Tsarnaevin paikallisella Bostonilaisella opiskelijoiden kuntosalilla.
Abdulbaki Todashev"
Todashev kertoi toimittajille, että hän epäilee poikansa murhan olleen hiljennyskeino ettei hän puhuisi totta ja paljastaisi tietoja Tsarnaevien puhtaista taustoista. Joten yhden tuttavan murhaaminen saattaisi sitten hiljentää loput lähipiirin henkilöt pitämään suunsa kiinni jatkossa.
Todashev says in his letter that son Ibragim Todashev, 27, knew dead
marathon suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev through boxing but had no connection
to the bombing or any other crime. He says his son voluntarily went to
an FBI office in Orlando to speak with FBI agents four times before they
showed up at his apartment May 22.
Attorney Barry Cohen said Monday the elder Todashev fears a cover-up and is writing to Obama one father to another to make sure that doesn’t happen. He is asking Obama to ensure authorities do not interfere with the investigation. (…)
He said his son was a loving son who came to America in 2008 to practice English and met Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev at the gym when he lived in Massachusetts.
Todashev tells the magazine the FBI “deliberately” killed his son so “he can never speak and never take part in court hearings” and claims the FBI pressured his son’s friends also to prevent them speaking the truth.
Ibragim Todashev died in May after FBI agents questioning him about his friendship with Tsarnaev allege he lunged at an agent with a knife.
- news.com.au, Ibragim Todashev’s father writes open letter to President Obama
Read more at http://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/boston-bombings-tamerlan-tsarnaev-claimed-victim-majestic-mind-control/#W2RIkjRbXPZ8mEOC.99
Attorney Barry Cohen said Monday the elder Todashev fears a cover-up and is writing to Obama one father to another to make sure that doesn’t happen. He is asking Obama to ensure authorities do not interfere with the investigation. (…)
He said his son was a loving son who came to America in 2008 to practice English and met Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev at the gym when he lived in Massachusetts.
Todashev tells the magazine the FBI “deliberately” killed his son so “he can never speak and never take part in court hearings” and claims the FBI pressured his son’s friends also to prevent them speaking the truth.
Ibragim Todashev died in May after FBI agents questioning him about his friendship with Tsarnaev allege he lunged at an agent with a knife.
- news.com.au, Ibragim Todashev’s father writes open letter to President Obama
Read more at http://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/boston-bombings-tamerlan-tsarnaev-claimed-victim-majestic-mind-control/#W2RIkjRbXPZ8mEOC.99
Todashev says in his letter that son Ibragim Todashev, 27, knew dead
marathon suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev through boxing but had no connection
to the bombing or any other crime. He says his son voluntarily went to
an FBI office in Orlando to speak with FBI agents four times before they
showed up at his apartment May 22.
Attorney Barry Cohen said Monday the elder Todashev fears a cover-up and is writing to Obama one father to another to make sure that doesn’t happen. He is asking Obama to ensure authorities do not interfere with the investigation. (…)
He said his son was a loving son who came to America in 2008 to practice English and met Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev at the gym when he lived in Massachusetts.
Todashev tells the magazine the FBI “deliberately” killed his son so “he can never speak and never take part in court hearings” and claims the FBI pressured his son’s friends also to prevent them speaking the truth.
Ibragim Todashev died in May after FBI agents questioning him about his friendship with Tsarnaev allege he lunged at an agent with a knife.
- news.com.au, Ibragim Todashev’s father writes open letter to President Obama
Read more at http://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/boston-bombings-tamerlan-tsarnaev-claimed-victim-majestic-mind-control/#W2RIkjRbXPZ8mEOC.99
Attorney Barry Cohen said Monday the elder Todashev fears a cover-up and is writing to Obama one father to another to make sure that doesn’t happen. He is asking Obama to ensure authorities do not interfere with the investigation. (…)
He said his son was a loving son who came to America in 2008 to practice English and met Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev at the gym when he lived in Massachusetts.
Todashev tells the magazine the FBI “deliberately” killed his son so “he can never speak and never take part in court hearings” and claims the FBI pressured his son’s friends also to prevent them speaking the truth.
Ibragim Todashev died in May after FBI agents questioning him about his friendship with Tsarnaev allege he lunged at an agent with a knife.
- news.com.au, Ibragim Todashev’s father writes open letter to President Obama
Read more at http://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/boston-bombings-tamerlan-tsarnaev-claimed-victim-majestic-mind-control/#W2RIkjRbXPZ8mEOC.99
Todashev says in his letter that son Ibragim Todashev, 27, knew dead
marathon suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev through boxing but had no connection
to the bombing or any other crime. He says his son voluntarily went to
an FBI office in Orlando to speak with FBI agents four times before they
showed up at his apartment May 22.
Attorney Barry Cohen said Monday the elder Todashev fears a cover-up and is writing to Obama one father to another to make sure that doesn’t happen. He is asking Obama to ensure authorities do not interfere with the investigation. (…)
He said his son was a loving son who came to America in 2008 to practice English and met Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev at the gym when he lived in Massachusetts.
Todashev tells the magazine the FBI “deliberately” killed his son so “he can never speak and never take part in court hearings” and claims the FBI pressured his son’s friends also to prevent them speaking the truth.
Ibragim Todashev died in May after FBI agents questioning him about his friendship with Tsarnaev allege he lunged at an agent with a knife.
- news.com.au, Ibragim Todashev’s father writes open letter to President Obama
Read more at http://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/boston-bombings-tamerlan-tsarnaev-claimed-victim-majestic-mind-control/#W2RIkjRbXPZ8mEOC.99
Attorney Barry Cohen said Monday the elder Todashev fears a cover-up and is writing to Obama one father to another to make sure that doesn’t happen. He is asking Obama to ensure authorities do not interfere with the investigation. (…)
He said his son was a loving son who came to America in 2008 to practice English and met Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev at the gym when he lived in Massachusetts.
Todashev tells the magazine the FBI “deliberately” killed his son so “he can never speak and never take part in court hearings” and claims the FBI pressured his son’s friends also to prevent them speaking the truth.
Ibragim Todashev died in May after FBI agents questioning him about his friendship with Tsarnaev allege he lunged at an agent with a knife.
- news.com.au, Ibragim Todashev’s father writes open letter to President Obama
Read more at http://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/boston-bombings-tamerlan-tsarnaev-claimed-victim-majestic-mind-control/#W2RIkjRbXPZ8mEOC.99
Lähteet: http://www.bostonglobe.com/Page/Boston/2011-2020/WebGraphics/Metro/BostonGlobe.com/2013/12/15tsarnaev/tsarnaev.html